
Describes the advantages and disadvantages of plasticizer intermittent production

In continuous production , the esterification reactor can be divided into a tower reactor and stepped reactors in series two categories. When using the optional tower acidic esterification catalyst is more reasonable ; When using non-acidic catalyst or without a catalyst , the Calcium stearate  reaction mixture was due to stay longer , so the use of a stepped tandem reactors more appropriate.
Advantages: 1 ) less investment, quick construction 2 ) easy to switch products , produces a variety of plasticizers
3) The technology is simple, easy to meet the quality of personnel shortcomings : 1 ) large fluctuations in product quality , less stable
2) The technology behind the labor intensity 3 ) high energy and material consumption
Intermittent production is suitable for small-scale production of a variety of plasticizers , less investment and quick . Continuous production process
Since the DOP, DBP plasticizer in great demand , and therefore DOP, DBP -based continuous production process has been widely used , currently China's largest DOP -line production capacity of 50,000 tons / year, the largest single-line production capacity of 2 DBP tons / year. In continuous production , the esterification reactor can be divided into a tower reactor and stepped reactors in series two categories. When using the optional tower acidic esterification catalyst is more reasonable ; When using non-acidic catalyst or without a catalyst , the reaction mixture was Chrolinated polyethylene  due to stay longer , so the use of a stepped tandem reactors more appropriate. Plasticizer phthalate plasticizers largest amount , about 80% plasticizer production, mainly in the country such plasticizer dioctyl phthalate (DOP) and phthalic dibutyl (DBP) based.
( 1 ) and the resin has good compatibility ; high ( 2 ) plasticizing efficiency ; ( 3 ) of the thermo-optical stability ; ( 4 ) low volatility ; ( 5 ) migration of small ; ( 6 ) water , oils and organic solvents extraction ; ( 7 ) good low temperature flexibility ; ( 8 ) flame retardant ; ( 9 ) electrical insulation ; ( 10 ) is colorless, odorless , non-toxic ; ( 11 ) anti- fungal good ; ( 12 ) anti- pollution good ; ( 13 ) plastisol viscosity stability ; ( 14 ) cheap.
Plasticizer phthalate plasticizers largest Titanium dioxide rutile  amount , about 80% plasticizer production, mainly in the country such plasticizer dioctyl phthalate (DOP) and phthalic dibutyl (DBP) based. Due to limitations of the source material alcohol , heptyl phthalate (DHP), di-iso -decyl phthalate (DIDP), di-iso -octyl phthalate (DIOP) , excellent performance varieties, production is not large .
Production DBP five continuous esterification process , and, dealcoholization , bleaching, filtering operations are continuous .

