
organic pigments elaborated

Refers to a series of paint colors and other characteristics , a class made ​​up of organic pigments. Pigments features include Fast , resistance to flooding , acid and alkali resistance, organic solvents , heat , crystal stability, dispersion and hiding power . Organic pigments and dyes difference is that it is colored objects with no affinity  magnesium hydroxide flame retardant only by adhesive or film material will be attached to the surface of organic pigments , or mixed inside the object , the object colored. Intermediates required for its production , production equipment and synthetic dye production processes are similar, it is often the organic pigment in the dye industry to organize production. Organic pigments and inorganic pigments generally compared to typically have high tinting strength , easy to grind and disperse particles , not precipitation, colors are more vivid , but the Light, heat, weather and poor performance . Organic pigments commonly used in inks, paints, rubber products, plastic products , stationery and supplies and other materials coloring. Common varieties currently on the market are the following categories :
Molecular structure of azo pigments containing azo group (-N = N-) water-insoluble organic compounds in the organic pigment is most varieties and yield the largest category . Azo pigment is an aromatic or heteroaromatic amine obtained by diazotization of an aromatic diazo component and then with acetyl amine 2 - naphthol, pyrazolone 2 - hydroxy - 3 - naphthoic acid or 2 - hydroxy- -3 - naphthoyl aromatic amines by coupling a coupling component , to form water -insoluble precipitate , which is generally an azo pigment . The synthetic method and the same dyes , but the  plastic flame retardant latter is water soluble. Azo pigments generally used as orange, yellow and red pigments such as : Permanent Orange RN (CI Pigment Orange 5 ) , golden red (CI Pigment Red 21 ) , Benzidine Yellow G (CI Pigment Yellow 12 ) . To improve the light fastness , heat resistance, resistance to organic solvents and other pigment properties , by condensation of two molecules of an aromatic diamine as macromolecules . The pigment thus prepared is called macromolecules such as pigments or condensed azo pigments : macromolecules Orange 4R (CI Pigment Orange 31 ) , molecules of red R (CI Pigment Red 166 ) .
Lake water-soluble dye ( such as acid dyes , direct dyes , basic dyes, etc. ) generated by the action of a precipitating agent and a water-insoluble pigment . Its shade more brilliant , chromatography than the whole, low production costs, than the original water-soluble dyes high light fastness . Precipitant mainly inorganic salts, acids , carrier. Inorganic salt precipitate is barium , calcium chloride, manganese sulfate, water-soluble dyes  intenal lubricant as precipitating agent and the reaction of water-insoluble barium, calcium , manganese salts such as : Permanent Red F5R (CI Pigment Red 48 : 2 ) , Lake Red C (CI pigment Red 53:1 ) . Is the use of phosphoric acid precipitation - molybdic acid , phosphoric acid - acid , tannic acid, etc. as a precipitating agent reacts with the water-soluble alkali insoluble dye lakes such as : Fast Rose Lake (CI Pigment Violet 1 ) , emitted light violet (CI Pigment violet 3 ) . The carrier is a water-soluble dye deposited precipitate aluminum hydroxide , barium sulfate , etc. on the surface of the support , to form water-insoluble precipitate neutral colors such as : acid yellow lake (CI Pigment Orange 17 ) , light blue lake lake

