Formation of volatile decomposition retardant protective film combustion flame temperature of the plastic decomposition, formation of volatile decomposition products of the protective film covering the surface, thus preventing the combustion air is cut off. Flame retardant decomposition products off of the active radical chain reaction of free radical chain reaction can continue flame, a flame retardant decomposition products off of the active radical chain reaction, thereby effectively preventing the flame.plasticizer
Dispersing the heat of combustion and dilution of the flammable substance is one of the ways to achieve flame heat is the burning of a large absorption, reducing the temperature of the plastic, thereby slowing the decomposition of evaporation and combustion. On the other hand, the plastic flame retardant system in the decomposition of non-combustible gases, thereby diluting the combustible gas, to achieve the purpose of fire.
Heavier gases or high-boiling liquid oxygen barrier effect of the water coming out of the reaction absorbs a lot of heat, reducing the surface temperature of combustible and vaporized into steam, combustible surface in a layer of protective film, in order to achieve flame .Plastic impact modifier
The process of burning plastic; plastic combustion process can be considered: in the air due to external heat or fire the plastic is heated, which eventually led to the degradation of volatile products produced, flammable product product with heat in the external heat source continued under the action of the plastic reaches a certain temperature will burn up. Part of the heat released by burning the plastic by conduction, radiation and convection channels, and are degradable plastic is absorbed more volatile flammable products; other hand, the combustion process, severe disturbance of the air around the flame, to increase the volatile flammable mixture with air speed, the combustion is more intense.
Flame retardant is a mechanism to prevent combustion, reduce or increase the burning rate of a substance of ignition. Flame retardant mechanism of action is as follows: flame retardant decomposition products of dehydration of the carbonized organic substances, can prevent combustion of the combustion decomposition of burning plastics, and are usually produced elemental carbon without combustion and decomposition of the evaporation of the flame burning. Therefore, if the thermal decomposition of the material can quickly and do not stay in the combustible material and has been decomposed into carbon phase until combustion can be prevented.
pvc stabilizer is the use of scientific "molecular design" theory, advanced surface treatment technology, WSD PVC stabilizer a special composite technology and strict quality control system development and production of the collector stabilizer, external lubricants, antioxidants, PVC Heat stabilizer coupling agents, dispersing agents as one of the high-efficiency,one pack stabilizer high-tech multi-functional product.