
The difference between the dye pigments Description

Fine powder pigment is a colored substance, generally insoluble in water, oils and solvents, but can be uniformly dispersed therein. Minor paint pigment is forming substances in the process of modulation decorative wood primer, putty and wood before coloring pigments are often used. Opaque paint into the paint because their film has some color and opacity. Meanwhile the pigment coating can enhance the durability, weather resistance, abrasion resistance.
The paint properties of the coating and the larger is the pigment dispersion, oil absorption, hiding power, tinting strength and light resistance. That the pigment particle size dispersion. When other conditions are the same, the higher the dispersion of the finer particles to reduce paint delamination during storage, paint smooth coating level increased, while the amount of oil absorption of the pigment opacity is increased. A certain amount of pigment required oil amount of oil and blending oil absorption of the pigment, which determines the allocation of the oil paint consumption.processing aid
Hiding pigment is a pigment in paint coating can cover the base, do not make it through the film and reveal the capacity, often to cover required per unit area expressed as grams of pigment. Obviously, high hiding power consumption of less pigment. A coloring pigment is a pigment mixed with other colors after the formation of the strength capabilities. When mixing pigments formulated to achieve the same color, strong coloring pigments with less.
Optical effect pigments that poor light stability of the pigment in the light of the role, its color and properties vary in different degrees, reducing the quality of the products surface decoration. Good coloring pigment should be vivid color, has a high hiding power, tinting strength, dispersion with a lower amount of oil, and the effect of light stable plasticizer
Dyes and Pigments different, it is soluble in water, alcohol, oil, or other solvents such as colored substances in the liquid. Dye solution can penetrate into the wood, and wood composition of the material (cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose) complex physical and chemical reactions occur, but will not make the wood stain wood texture blur, enabling clear and solid wood dyed color

